vineri, 17 mai 2013


un receptor cu dubla schimbare de frecventa ,pe 8mhz si 455khz.are in componenta sa mixer cu ROB641,sau SL641 , un integrat foarte bun .tot aici am folosit si CA3028 sau ROB3028.amandoua sunt foarte bune ,insa am ramas in montaj cu ROB641, celalalt vreau sa-l folosesc in alt montaj .media frecventa pe 8mhz este cu trei bobine si un BF256 pe post de amplificator
urmeaza TDA1046 .un integrat perfect si complet, are tot ce-i trebuie , sesibilitate,  raa,  stabilitate etc..
se poate compara oricand cu oricare similar din clasa lui, si asteptarile sunt imediate fara prea mult efort la aliniere
incercati si nu veti regreta

a receiver with double frequency change, 8mhz and 455 kHz has component mixer with ROB641, or SL641, an integrated very good ... here I used CA3028 or ROB3028. and both are very good, but I stuck in the mounted with ROB641, other want to use it in other media montage 8mhz is common with three coills and a BF256 as follows TDA1046. amplifier an integrated seamlessly and completelyIt has everything i need, sensibility, raa, stability etc. ..
You can compare anytime with any similar in his class, and expectations are immediate without too much effort at alignment try and you won't regret it


un trx  simplu dsb in 3.5mhz .la receptie foloseste TBA120 care mia placut mai mult ca TAA661.urmeaza un filtru audio , un amplificator  cu lm741  si un final cu TDA2003 la emisie are un formator dsb cuNE612 urmat de trei etaje amplificatoare ,ultimul fiind cu IRF530.puterea de emisie este de 5w , se putea si mai mult, dar am preferat asa ca sa nu am probleme de tvi cu vecini

a simple dsb in trx 3.5 mhz. reception at TBA120 which uses more pleasant as TAA661. follow a audio filter, an amplifier with a final lm741 TDA2003 emission has a former at dsb cuNE612 followed by three floors, the last being amplifiers with IRF530. transmit power is 5w, could have been more, but I preferred so she doesn't have problems of tvi with neighbors


primul meu trx cu filtru de cristal facut de mine,dar si prima utilizare a integratului TA7358. un circuit foarte bun,si nici scump.sper sa fie folosit  cat mai mult  de radioamatorii romani ,si nu numai. cine este interesat ma poate contacta pe >>
                                                              73 si mult succes  
my first trx with Crystal filter made by me, but also the first use of integrated TA7358. very good circuit, nor expensive. I hope to be used as much as possible of the  radioham . who is interested can contact me on > > 73 and good luck